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Situps for Government

For once, I fealt sympathy for politicians.

Yesterday, I watched President Bush’s State of the Union Address, when ads were on while Smallville was going on. I couldn’t help but notice the following fact:

The President speaks for a minute. The audience applause for 5 seconds. Then they all getup and continue applause for a minute. Then they sit down. This whole thing repeated whenever I watched.

Which makes me wonder. Is there a cue-card there too, like for sit-coms to applaud? Most of these folks are well over 40 and I don’t think this is good for their knee-caps or their hands.

In between, Camera zoomed in on Senator Ted Kennedy who was either in deep sleep, or in deep thought. I couldn’t tell.

For foreign policy, it was as usual. USA will go at it alone, if US interests are at stake. The way it is going, it shouldn’t be surprising if US interests are at stake in 90% of the world soon.

William Saletan claims “ the state of our union is... unmentionable”.

If you went to the refrigerator during the first three minutes of President Bush’s State of the Union address, you missed the part where he discussed the state of the union. After a few words about his record on the economy, education, corporate responsibility, and homeland security, Bush spent the rest of the hour outlining plans and promises. It was the kind of speech a president gives when he’s been in office two weeks, not two years.

Mr.Saletan has a point. Whenever I watched, I didn’t hear anything about what was done; but only promises on what will be done.

  1. Yes, that's exactly how it works. Ain't it grand? It's the highest holy day in US state religion. I always get a little choked up when the Sergeant at Arms calls out, "Mr. Speaker, the President of the United States!"

    Posted by: Howard Hansen on January 30, 2003 11:07 PM
  2. I would like to know more about situps and what they can do for me and how i m gonna stay in shape

    Posted by: Jake Favret on April 8, 2003 10:48 AM
  3. i just don't get it ok i just want too build muscle's with situps!!

    Posted by: TYLER on October 31, 2003 09:10 PM
  4. i just don't get it ok i just want too build muscle's with situps!!

    Posted by: TYLER on October 31, 2003 09:10 PM
  5. i just don't get it ok i just want too build muscle's with situps!!

    Posted by: TYLER on October 31, 2003 09:10 PM
  6. Going it alone??

    Some critics have said our duties in Iraq must be internationalized. This particular criticism is hard to explain to our partners in Britain, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Italy, Spain, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, the Netherlands, Norway, El Salvador and the 17 other countries that have committed troops to Iraq.

    Posted by: GWB on January 21, 2004 03:16 PM