This site uses custom PHP software I wrote to track traffic, after I got fed up with the service WebTrends Live used to provide. The tracking software does not create individual profiles for visitors. It only collects information about your IP address, where you came from, time of visit and the page you visited here.
This is a personal web site. The goal is to have information about me, my professional interests like Oracle, web and GNU/Linux. Since I'm from Kerala - known as God's Own Country - which The National Geographic Magazine chose as one of the paradises found , I hope to add more information about Kerala soon.
This site does not use frames or Java, and mostly adhere to W3C 's HTML4.0 specifications. Javascript used to be there for the popup summary boxes, to add a little eye-candy! Graphical elements, apart from cachable sidebar and icons are used only where it is needed, like in the photographs and Gimp sections.
For better viewing of these pages, a resolution of atleast 800x600, browser font size of 10 and Style Sheets capability are recommended. Caution: I had enough troubles with Netscape 4.x, I am not even going to try to make this NS compatible for some time. Use IE5+, Mozilla, or Opera. Or even Netscape 6+!
As far as I can see, this site has been designed with accessibility in mind. However, this site uses some colours that are not web safe.
CSS is made use of heavily and so are tables. Absolute positioned layers are not used and nor is it designed for a fixed screen resolution. Philosophy is to design for a minimum resolution (in this case, 800x600) and also let people with higher resolution monitors enjoy it, minimizing scrolling for them.
What is the motivation of a redesign? Well, I'm sick and tired of listening to web consulting firms telling me how a "creative" design can be done only with rollover images and flash movies (and they still can't remember to change the page title from "Untitled page"). Every one wants to layout a page in Photoshop or Fireworks and then slice it out to HTML (without paying much attention to the resulting HTML), resulting in bandwidth heavy, inaccessible (fixed font sizes, no speech output possible, non translation-service friendly) and also with no real compliance to W3C standards.
Since you are seeing this, it means that your browser does not support cascading style sheets. Please download and use one of the many browsers that support web standards.