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Got some time today on the XP machine at home. So, fixed a bug with my PHP-IEEditor. Added some simple usability enhancements too.
I’m not that keen on programming with Javascript and PHP anymore. Apparently, several folks are finding this useful. Maybe I should make a small WYSIWYG editor as a service with instructions on plugging it into IE for MovableType text area? With HTML Tidy service, that could prove to be useful.
Side note: I’m going mad because IE6 seems to hide status bar by default. Stupid browser.
The version i use does not work when trying to insert a link to an existing text.
The link button simply doesn´t respond.
Any suggestions or working versions?
Greetings and respect,
Hmmm... The current version works. You can download it from CVS from the link above.
Your archive to download is paked with error! Rearchive your distributiv!
I tried downloading your IEEditor too, but the archive is still wrong. What is the CVS login/passwd for anonymous users os
Okay! ViewCVS seems to fail at times. I've added a link to my archived copy.