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Fixes and improvements to IEEditor

WYSIWYG editor is more popular than I thought. User feedback prompts some fixes.

Got some time today on the XP machine at home. So, fixed a bug with my PHP-IEEditor. Added some simple usability enhancements too.


  1. ieeditor.php, index.php: Added ZOOMed editor functionality, for those who need it. May be a modal dialog from within the in-line frame editor is more usable.
  2. index.php: Added a link to ChangeLog file
  3. ieeditor.php: Irrelevant toolbars are hidden in HTML view
  4. dirwalk.php: Fixed directory browse bug that appeared due to security patch

I’m not that keen on programming with Javascript and PHP anymore. Apparently, several folks are finding this useful. Maybe I should make a small WYSIWYG editor as a service with instructions on plugging it into IE for MovableType text area? With HTML Tidy service, that could prove to be useful.

Side note: I’m going mad because IE6 seems to hide status bar by default. Stupid browser.

  1. The version i use does not work when trying to insert a link to an existing text.
    The link button simply doesn´t respond.

    Any suggestions or working versions?

    Greetings and respect,

    Posted by: Joe on January 14, 2003 04:22 AM
  2. Hmmm... The current version works. You can download it from CVS from the link above.

    Posted by: Babu on January 14, 2003 06:30 AM
  3. Your archive to download is paked with error! Rearchive your distributiv!

    Posted by: Grigoriy on June 23, 2003 07:32 AM
  4. I tried downloading your IEEditor too, but the archive is still wrong. What is the CVS login/passwd for anonymous users os

    Posted by: an interested person on September 4, 2003 09:32 AM
  5. Okay! ViewCVS seems to fail at times. I've added a link to my archived copy.

    Posted by: Babu on September 5, 2003 07:03 AM