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« Quick Start: Git for personal use
» Quick Ref: SVN command line

Git with Dropbox

Git'ing with Dropbox

First, check out Git for personal use. Extending those principles to Dropbox is fairly easy.

cd ~/Dropbox
mkdir -p gitroot/research.git && cd !$
git --bare init
cd ~/Projects
git init
git remote add dropbox file://$HOME/Dropbox/gitroot/research.git
git add testfile.txt
git commit -m "initial"
git push dropbox master
ssh anothercomputer
cd ~/Projects
git clone -o dropbox file://$HOME/Dropbox/gitroot/research.git
cd research
ls >> testfile.txt
git commit -m "just testing"
git push dropbox master
git pull dropbox master

For the first computer, once you fill the bare repo with some stuff, you can delete the folder and do a clone like how you did with the second computer.