Nikon Coolpix 2500: White Balance Gone Outdoors
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The Century Project
Earth view
« Leo script to generate environment setters
» It is not funny anymore!
With Imagemagick, you can easily annotate your digital photographs with the date. This assumes that the date information is captured within the photograph - most digital cameras do this (and most common mistake I do is to remember to set the date when I insert the battery back after charging!). Here is a small shell script to do this. Save it as an executable file and then run it with all files you want to convert. The annotated files have a prefix of ts_.
while [ "$1" ]
echo "$1 -> ts_$1"
#get timestamp
ts=`identify -verbose $1 | \
grep 'Exif:DateTime:'| \
awk '{printf("%s %s", $2,$3);}'`
#stamp it on bottom right corner
convert $1 -gravity southeast \
-annotate 0 "$ts" ts_$1
You can update the script to be more artistic by referring to examples of annotation styles.