Useful SQL*Plus headers
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Oracle with Active Record
Gentle dive into analytic functions
Pivoting for dates - summary
« Gentle dive into analytic functions
» Unix's revenge
Here’s the problem. A scheduling application has a table where everyone’s tasks are recorded with starting time and ending time. Further, there is a limitation that you should start or end tasks either at the beginning of the hour or at the middle of the hour (makes our life a bit easier). The normal working hours are from 8:30am to 12:30pm and from 1:30pm to 6:00pm. Given an employee id, and a date range (doesn’t have time component), what are the free time slots the person has? We would also like to aggregate adjacent time slots to one record. ie., If a person is free from 9:00-9:30 and 9:30-10:30, then we need one record that says 9:00-10:30.
Sample data is below.
EMPNO STARTDT ENDDT TASK ---------- ------------ ------------ ------------------------------ 7369 apr-27 10:00 apr-27 10:30 Prepare presentations 7369 apr-27 14:30 apr-27 15:00 Review presentations 7369 apr-28 14:00 apr-28 16:00 Animate presentations 7369 apr-28 17:00 apr-28 18:00 Upload presentations
My solution is below. It uses pivot tables, analytic functions and hierarchical queries. May be I need to go outdoors for a long time, but is there a simpler solution?
variable start_date varchar2(20);
variable end_date varchar2(20);
variable max_days_in_range number;
variable empno number;
variable time_slot_duration number;
:start_date := '27-APR-2004';
:end_date := '28-APR-2004';
:max_days_in_range := 100;
:empno := 7369;
:time_slot_duration := 0.5;
-- 0.25 for 15 minutes, 0.5 for 30 minutes etc.
-- Not tested for anything but 0.5
select startdt, enddt
from (
select s.mydate, trunc(s.mydate)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24.0) startdt, trunc(s.mydate)+(:time_slot_duration/24.0)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24) enddt
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum <= 24.0/:time_slot_duration) p,
-- get 48 half an hour records per day
(select trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 mydate
-- get all days between the given range
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum<=:max_days_in_range) p
--restriction: date range cannot span 100+ days
where trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 <= trunc(to_date(:end_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
) s
order by 1
) where (startdt between trunc(mydate)+8.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+12.0/24) or
(startdt between trunc(mydate)+13.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+17.5/24)
STARTDT ENDDT ------------ ------------ apr-27 08:30 apr-27 09:00 apr-27 09:00 apr-27 09:30 apr-27 09:30 apr-27 10:00 apr-27 10:00 apr-27 10:30 apr-27 10:30 apr-27 11:00 apr-27 11:00 apr-27 11:30 apr-27 11:30 apr-27 12:00 apr-27 12:00 apr-27 12:30 apr-27 13:30 apr-27 14:00 apr-27 14:00 apr-27 14:30 apr-27 14:30 apr-27 15:00 apr-27 15:00 apr-27 15:30 apr-27 15:30 apr-27 16:00 apr-27 16:00 apr-27 16:30 apr-27 16:30 apr-27 17:00 ... and so on ..
select p.startdt, p.enddt
from schedules s, (
-- step 1: Get all half an hour slots from a given range
select startdt, enddt
from (
select s.mydate, trunc(s.mydate)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24.0) startdt, trunc(s.mydate)+(:time_slot_duration/24.0)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24) enddt
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum <= 24.0/:time_slot_duration) p,
-- get slot_hour records per day
(select trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 mydate
-- get all days between the given range
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum<=:max_days_in_range) p
--restriction: date range cannot span 100+ days
where trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 <= trunc(to_date(:end_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
) s
order by 1
) where (startdt between trunc(mydate)+8.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+12.0/24) or
(startdt between trunc(mydate)+13.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+17.5/24)
) p
where s.empno = :empno
and s.startdt <= p.startdt
and s.enddt >= p.enddt
STARTDT ENDDT ------------ ------------ apr-27 10:00 apr-27 10:30 apr-27 14:30 apr-27 15:00 apr-28 14:00 apr-28 14:30 apr-28 14:30 apr-28 15:00 apr-28 15:00 apr-28 15:30 apr-28 15:30 apr-28 16:00 apr-28 17:00 apr-28 17:30 apr-28 17:30 apr-28 18:00
-- step 6: find the earliest start date for each end date
select min(startdt) startdt, enddt
from (
-- step 5: grouping on each branched startdt to find the maximum end time
select startdt, max(enddt) enddt
from (
-- step 4: set the startdt for each branch of the tree
select lag(startdt, depth-1) over (order by 1) startdt, enddt
from (
-- step 3: make a tree linked by startdt<-enddt
select level depth, startdt, enddt
from (
-- step 1: Get all half an hour slots from a given range
select startdt, enddt
from (
select s.mydate, trunc(s.mydate)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24.0) startdt, trunc(s.mydate)+(:time_slot_duration/24.0)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24) enddt
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum <= 24.0/:time_slot_duration) p,
-- get 48 half an hour records per day
(select trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 mydate
-- get all days between the given range
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum<=:max_days_in_range) p
--restriction: date range cannot span 100+ days
where trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 <= trunc(to_date(:end_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
) s
order by 1
) where (startdt between trunc(mydate)+8.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+12.0/24) or
(startdt between trunc(mydate)+13.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+17.5/24)
-- step 2: get all scheduled tasks, expanded by half an hour increments
-- ie, 1 record from 10:30-12:00 will be turned into 3 records like 10:30-11:00, 11:00-11:30, 11:30-12:00
select p.startdt, p.enddt
from schedules s, (
-- step 1: Get all half an hour slots from a given range
select startdt, enddt
from (
select s.mydate, trunc(s.mydate)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24.0) startdt, trunc(s.mydate)+(:time_slot_duration/24.0)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24) enddt
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum <= 24.0/:time_slot_duration) p,
-- get slot_hour records per day
(select trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 mydate
-- get all days between the given range
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum<=:max_days_in_range) p
--restriction: date range cannot span 100+ days
where trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 <= trunc(to_date(:end_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
) s
order by 1
) where (startdt between trunc(mydate)+8.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+12.0/24) or
(startdt between trunc(mydate)+13.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+17.5/24)
) p
where s.empno = :empno
and s.startdt <= p.startdt
and s.enddt >= p.enddt
connect by prior enddt = startdt
) group by startdt
) group by enddt;
STARTDT ENDDT ------------ ------------ apr-27 08:30 apr-27 10:00 apr-27 10:30 apr-27 12:30 apr-27 13:30 apr-27 14:30 apr-27 15:00 apr-27 18:00 apr-28 08:30 apr-28 12:30 apr-28 13:30 apr-28 14:00 apr-28 16:00 apr-28 17:00
The entire script is given below.
set termout off
drop table schedules;
create table schedules (
empno number(4) not null,
startdt date not null,
enddt date not null,
task varchar2(30) not null
insert into schedules(empno, startdt, enddt, task) values (7369,
to_date('040427 10:00','yymmdd hh24:mi'),to_date('040427 10:30','yymmdd hh24:mi'),
'Prepare presentations');
insert into schedules(empno, startdt, enddt, task) values (7369,
to_date('040427 14:30','yymmdd hh24:mi'),to_date('040427 15:00','yymmdd hh24:mi'),
'Review presentations');
insert into schedules(empno, startdt, enddt, task) values (7369,
to_date('040428 14:00','yymmdd hh24:mi'),to_date('040428 16:00','yymmdd hh24:mi'),
'Animate presentations');
insert into schedules(empno, startdt, enddt, task) values (7369,
to_date('040428 17:00','yymmdd hh24:mi'),to_date('040428 18:00','yymmdd hh24:mi'),
'Upload presentations');
alter session set nls_date_format='mon-dd hh24:mi';
set termout on
select * from schedules;
I want to find all free slots employee 7369 has from 25-apr-2004 to 30-apr-2004
Can be extended to include holiday processing.
- Company works from 8:30-12:30 and 1:30-6:00 every day.
- People can start a task and end a task only at 0th or 30th minute of any hour.
- You can search for free slots over a date range (see the range above) that spans less than 101 days
variable start_date varchar2(20);
variable end_date varchar2(20);
variable max_days_in_range number;
variable empno number;
variable time_slot_duration number;
:start_date := '27-APR-2004';
:end_date := '28-APR-2004';
:max_days_in_range := 100;
:empno := 7369;
:time_slot_duration := 0.5;
-- 0.25 for 15 minutes, 0.5 for 30 minutes etc.
-- Not tested for anything but 0.5
Prompt -- step 1: Get all half an hour slots from a given range
select startdt, enddt
from (
select s.mydate, trunc(s.mydate)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24.0) startdt, trunc(s.mydate)+(:time_slot_duration/24.0)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24) enddt
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum <= 24.0/:time_slot_duration) p,
-- get 48 half an hour records per day
(select trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 mydate
-- get all days between the given range
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum<=:max_days_in_range) p
--restriction: date range cannot span 100+ days
where trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 <= trunc(to_date(:end_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
) s
order by 1
) where (startdt between trunc(mydate)+8.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+12.0/24) or
(startdt between trunc(mydate)+13.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+17.5/24)
Prompt -- step 2: get all scheduled tasks, expanded by half an hour increments
Prompt -- ie, 1 record from 10:30-12:00 will be turned into 3 records like 10:30-11:00, 11:00-11:30, 11:30-12:00
select p.startdt, p.enddt
from schedules s, (
-- step 1: Get all half an hour slots from a given range
select startdt, enddt
from (
select s.mydate, trunc(s.mydate)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24.0) startdt, trunc(s.mydate)+(:time_slot_duration/24.0)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24) enddt
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum <= 24.0/:time_slot_duration) p,
-- get slot_hour records per day
(select trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 mydate
-- get all days between the given range
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum<=:max_days_in_range) p
--restriction: date range cannot span 100+ days
where trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 <= trunc(to_date(:end_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
) s
order by 1
) where (startdt between trunc(mydate)+8.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+12.0/24) or
(startdt between trunc(mydate)+13.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+17.5/24)
) p
where s.empno = :empno
and s.startdt <= p.startdt
and s.enddt >= p.enddt
Prompt -- Subtracting the results of step 2 from those of step 1 will give all the free slots available.
Prompt -- But we want to "squeeze" the adjacent slots. ie., 10:30-11:00, 11:00-11:30 and 11:30-12:00 should show
Prompt -- up as one record, 10:30-12:00
Prompt -- step 3 and 4: That can be done by first making sure start date stays the same till you get to a "busy" time.
Prompt -- step 5: Then group it by that start date and find the maximum end date. However, many start dates will
Prompt -- have same the same end date.
Prompt -- step 6: So, another group by end date to find the minimum start date. That will give us the longest
Prompt -- available window of free time.
Prompt /* ** Putting it all together ** */
-- step 6: find the earliest start date for each end date
select min(startdt) startdt, enddt
from (
-- step 5: grouping on each branched startdt to find the maximum end time
select startdt, max(enddt) enddt
from (
-- step 4: set the startdt for each branch of the tree
select lag(startdt, depth-1) over (order by 1) startdt, enddt
from (
-- step 3: make a tree linked by startdt<-enddt
select level depth, startdt, enddt
from (
-- step 1: Get all half an hour slots from a given range
select startdt, enddt
from (
select s.mydate, trunc(s.mydate)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24.0) startdt, trunc(s.mydate)+(:time_slot_duration/24.0)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24) enddt
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum <= 24.0/:time_slot_duration) p,
-- get 48 half an hour records per day
(select trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 mydate
-- get all days between the given range
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum<=:max_days_in_range) p
--restriction: date range cannot span 100+ days
where trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 <= trunc(to_date(:end_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
) s
order by 1
) where (startdt between trunc(mydate)+8.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+12.0/24) or
(startdt between trunc(mydate)+13.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+17.5/24)
-- step 2: get all scheduled tasks, expanded by half an hour increments
-- ie, 1 record from 10:30-12:00 will be turned into 3 records like 10:30-11:00, 11:00-11:30, 11:30-12:00
select p.startdt, p.enddt
from schedules s, (
-- step 1: Get all half an hour slots from a given range
select startdt, enddt
from (
select s.mydate, trunc(s.mydate)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24.0) startdt, trunc(s.mydate)+(:time_slot_duration/24.0)+(p.pivot*:time_slot_duration/24) enddt
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum <= 24.0/:time_slot_duration) p,
-- get slot_hour records per day
(select trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 mydate
-- get all days between the given range
from (select rownum pivot from all_objects where rownum<=:max_days_in_range) p
--restriction: date range cannot span 100+ days
where trunc(to_date(:start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))+p.pivot-1 <= trunc(to_date(:end_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
) s
order by 1
) where (startdt between trunc(mydate)+8.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+12.0/24) or
(startdt between trunc(mydate)+13.5/24 and trunc(mydate)+17.5/24)
) p
where s.empno = :empno
and s.startdt <= p.startdt
and s.enddt >= p.enddt
connect by prior enddt = startdt
) group by startdt
) group by enddt;
set doc off;
drop table schedules;
Hi Sir,
I need a help in writing Oracle SQL to find out start and end date for a week if we have month, year and week number .
for example
month = 04
year = 2004
weeknumber = 14
the start and end date for this week should be 28-MAR-04 to 03-APR-04 or if week starts from monday to sunday it should be 29-MAR-04 to 04-APR-04 . Please help me with this query
Thanks a lot
That is easy enough with pivots and few truncs.
select week_start, week_start+6 week_end from
-- get first of the month
to_date('2004 04 01', 'yyyy mm dd'),
-- get the week beginning for that month
-- now get next weeks' beginnings
+ p.pivot*7 week_start
from (
-- about 5 week beginnings should be enough for a month
select rownum-1 pivot from all_objects where rownum<6) p
-- now select only the week we need
where to_char(week_start,'iw') = '14'
-------------------- --------------------
2004.04.04 sunday 2004.04.10 saturday
I think in your calendar, week calculation is a off by one though.
Thie abov eis a good use of pivots although adding some truncs. would help the parser load time considerably ;)