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HTML Email isn't rich

Arguments for and against HTML e-mail. “THEY think about such things as money, readership, service, branding, image and openings - not RFCs. So, this essay will look at how corporate types might be brought to understand the inherent evils of HTML email. I address the following to middle management everywhere.”

Pretty good article. I enjoyed the comments on privacy, but other points may not be very much attention-grabber for management.

Unfortunately, like a reader notes in the article, plain text is not as useful as HTML to get attention. I hate reading mails that have embedded images. However, I like formatted e-mails that enhance readability. For example, with bullets, emphasis, colors, typeface etc.

Structured text formatting works well too :-) I suppose that might not be very appealing to management.

I guess, like normal web pages, the trick is to get a proper combination of usability, accessibility and convenience.
