Quick script to maintain a diary
10 annoying office phrases
Excellent article on outsourcing
Language skills for programmers
« Mathematician's children
» My pickle jar - Excel and Dates
Time Management: The Pickle Jar Theory is a pretty good article about how to manage your time. I’d like to share some information about how I manage my pickle and eat it too
For almost 3-4 years, I’ve been using a very easy to use system using Microsoft Excel 97. It has worked very well for me, because, maintaining the sheet takes less than 3 minutes per day. Using a single Excel sheet, I record a task’s date, starting and ending times, a short description about task, project code, type of task, for whom it is, was it planned or unplanned etc. Most of the time, before I do a task, I add it to the sheet. If an appointment comes up for the future, I add that too.
Formulas calculate other necessary date related information from these. Then some Python scripts automatically generate:
Additionally, with some simple pivot tables, I generate my timesheet (format has changed over time), charts and matrices during performance reviews and detailed billing information when customer needs to get in-depth information.
Like any history data, this has helped me to look back and see when did I do that?
Seems pretty funky.
Maybe you can make a product out of it :-)