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Installing KDE 3 on Mandrake 8

My notes on installing KDE 3 and configuring it on Mandrake 8.0.

KDE3 screen shot: click for 1024x768 popup shot Recently I installed KDE3 on my Mandrake 8.0. Installation was easy. Configuration needed some effort.
- First download and install all RPMS. I did not use any development packages. And I used the official version, though these are slower and has debugging code compiled in.
- Then go to /etc/X11/wmsession.d and rename 11KDE to 11KDE3
- In the 11KDE3 file, if you see a space in "KDE 3", remove the space.
- Run chksession -x=KDE3
- Edit /usr/share/config/kdmrc and add KDE3 as a session. You can do this from the Mandrake menu too (Configuration - KDE - System - Session Manager)
- Restart X server and login using KDE3 session
- Menus might be off, so run menudrake. Once it is done building the menu, click on Save and then close the program.
- Personalizer pops up for every login. To fix this annoyance, add FirstLogin=false to .kde3/share/config/kpersonalizerc after the first login.
