February 25, 2002
Where is the outrage?:
"Why's there so much sympathy for Daniel Pearl and none at all for Yusuf Ganai and Ram Naik? Where is... (125 Words)
12:46 PM
Javascript: moving items around in select lists:
Wrote a page that uses the technique mentioned in previous link on the subject. My implementation - warning, it opens... (25 Words)
10:48 AM
PoorButHappy got the analogy right:
Guide to ease: "Something I realised yesterday: when a client comes to me with an idea for a website, they... (44 Words)
10:36 AM
Smart use of Metal macros:
New recipe. "In most ZPT objects you start with a HTML tag that defines which metal macro (or header&footer) to... (65 Words)
07:01 AM
ht://Dig search:
Installed ht://Dig for site search. Needs to do some site changes so that web log also has a consistent look... (110 Words)
06:50 AM
site history
Open source databases:
Another SkippingDot.Net linkfest on free and open source databases out there. Good information for people who want to polish their... (36 Words)
06:37 AM
open source
Column: The True Verdict:
Column: The True Verdict. "The politician needs to scrawl 'You suck!' in large letters on his bathroom mirror, so that... (45 Words)
06:27 AM