February 26, 2002
Quotes for the day:
"The human race is a race of cowards; and I'm not only marching in that procession but carrying a banner"... (47 Words)
07:44 PM
Why I hate Popup windows:
Aaarghhh. I've had it with people putting content in popup windows. Guys, however well you designed your window -... (383 Words)
07:33 PM
David Mertz: Intro to PYX:
David Mertz introduces PYX, a lightweight line-oriented representation of XML documents, in his "XML Matters" column at IBM developerWorks. Includes... (26 Words)
07:11 PM
Handling attachments in SOAP:
developerWorks: "Web services will require the ability to send more than just text messages between services in a process. Often... (176 Words)
07:04 PM
The Cc: soup!:
Here is an issue that has been annoying me from time to time. I'd love to know your opinions on... (210 Words)
07:01 PM
Dr. Dobb Python URL:
Latest Python URL is out. I liked using SOAP to get air fares and why Python is better than Visual... (22 Words)
06:53 PM