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Lost inittab!

Snowed in with a file system corruption.

Well, I went a little too adventurous with pushing X to the limits with my laptop running Mandrake 9. It resulted in a hard crash. Usually Linux is pretty good at coming back up and
repairing the file systems.

This time, it choked. Apparently, the /etc/inittab/ file got corrupted. After a gasp and re-collecting my thoughts, here is how I got the system back.

There must be better ways to do this. I simply didn't want to spend much
time researching options.

Now, to make a boot floppy and to keep it in a safe place. Go to Mandrake Control Center - Boot - Boot Disk to make the disk.

I sincerely believe making mistakes and fixing things is the best way to learn. My second week at a job as standby UNIX admin 10 years ago, I (or rather my luck) managed to delete /etc/gettydefs. Luckily, I had a senior guy who went to another machine to take a print-out of one entry and forbade me to logout of my session (it was the only one left). He used my session to type that one single entry. Then he could go to another console and work peacefully from there!
