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Cream and SQL Relay

Cream for Vim editor and SQL Relay are two open source software that caught my attention today, in

"Cream is a configuration of the famous Vim text editor that makes it easier to use, like an Apple- or Windows-style text editor. It uses Vim’s own extensibility to improve menus, keyboard shortcuts, and editing behavior. Cream seamlessly maintains Vim’s insertmode to access all the power of the original Vim plus many custom Cream extensions." Must help newbies get into Vim little more easily.

"SQL Relay is a persistent database connection pooling and load balancing system. It supports ODBC, Oracle, MySQL, mSQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, MS SQL Server, DB2, Interbase, SQLite, and Lago backend databases, and features C, C++, Perl, Perl-DBD, Python, Python-DB, PHP, Ruby, Java, and Zope APIs." Pretty good system to cut down the cost of opening/closing database connections in every page.