February 19, 2001
DNS Problems Again:
The site was inaccissible often since Feb 8th, at vsbabu.csoft.net due to some upgrades at csoft.net servers. After some emails... (77 Words)
08:00 AM
site history
Beware! You are being logged :-):
I've installed StatIt V 2.3a by Helge Orthmann www.otterware.de to log the page hits. It is really easy to install... (110 Words)
08:00 AM
site history
Browser upgrade initiative:
Please do read the Browser Upgrade Initiative. If you are hesitant to upgrade because you can't wait for a 2... (43 Words)
08:00 AM
WASP is Back:
A-List-Apart decides to just ignore the non-standards compliant browsers. Here's from their site (I especially liked that part about Flash... (110 Words)
08:00 AM