Note:This code is here only for history's sake. Please see a better (read "working") idea.
Even if you are like me, with site hoster not
providing Zope services, you can use Zope to build a structured
site quickly. Here is a unix shell script to make a static
site from a Zope server. You need to specify all common images (like
buttons, rules etc.) using full URL. Otherwise, wget
will replicate those images in all the sub-directories.
# Makes a static site out of Zope site
## the URL for my Zope site
# recursive suck
echo "Getting Files"
wget -nh -m -A ".html,.php3,.txt,.jpg,.gif" ${BASE_HREF}/index.html
#for some reason, stylesheet is not caught above!
wget -nh -m ${BASE_HREF}/stylesheet.css
echo "Modifying Files"
cd tux.leesburg.pike/vsbabu
for fil in `find . -name '*.html'`
echo "$fil"
bakpath=`dirname "$fil"|perl -pe "s|\w+|..|g"`
perl -i -p -e "s|<base\s+href=".*?">||gi" ${fil}
perl -i -p -e "s|$BASE_HREF|${bakpath}/|g" ${fil}
#PHP files are processed differently
for fil in `find . -name '*.php3'`
echo "$fil"
bakpath=`dirname "$fil"|perl -pe "s|\w+|..|g"`
perl -i -p -e "s|<base\s+href=".*?">||g" ${fil}
perl -i -p -e "s|$BASE_HREF|${bakpath}/|g" ${fil}
There is a ZMirror product, but it did not work well for me. What I did was to name all my HTML documents as .html, and keep index.html as the default document. All the images are declared with respect to the dtml-var called currhost, which has the location of my Zope home; and not using the dtml-var tag for images.
Since you are seeing this, it means that your browser does not support cascading style sheets. Please download and use one of the many browsers that support web standards.