IE 5 and above has a good DHTML Editing Control. This helps you to edit your documents in a WYSIWYG mode and is fully copy-paste aware. Once I get time, I would like to make this an HTML Application (HTA) and provide plugins for Zope, ASP or PHP - that should also help in removing the hard-coding of some items. I should probably make use of MSHTML control since DHTML Editing Control used in this is no longer supported by Microsoft.
Please note that this is not a standalone product like other Zope products. It is just a piece of code that you can add on to other products, if you choose to. I have not yet tried it with CMF - I need to learn CMF first. Meanwhile, you can see how a reader implemented this for his CMF site. Another Zope community member, Paul Browning has put together a page with a listing of all the WYSIWYG options he could find - it is very helpful.
Here's an implementation for Zope (I use it with the HTML Document) product.
Download the Zope export file (It should be 128KB).
Here's an ASP/VBScript implementation (zip file) in case you are not enlightened by Zope yet - I'll try to make a PHP version as soon as I get time to do that. Here's a demo of the PHP version
The code I wrote initially was with multiple include files, keeping it sane (IMO). In this downloadable version, all the code is in one huge JS file, it is ugly, but it works. If I ever get around to cleaning this, I promise to post it too :-). I chose to write my own editor instead of the IEMethod product available at (see that code for a very clean implementation) mainly because I can't understand how client side browsing of images and links are going to be useful, instead of server-side one. Also, seeing that this is such a head-ache provoking Javascript, I wanted to write it once, and tie it up to all my ZClasses.
Here's one that shows the whole tool bar.
Another one that shows the insert image dialog. As you can see, the title of the Zope image object automatically goes to alt tag (if there is no title, previous alt tag entry is retained), height and width attributes are automatically filled out. Insert link dialog is similar.
Let us say you've a ZClass derived from DTML Document. Your content is then stored as "data".
Copy the ieeditor folder to your product folder. Copy the methods editor_browse_files and editor_browse_images (you can edit these so that logged in user has permission to access folders) to the top level of Zope.
Make a dtml-method called manage_WYSIWYG in your ZClass. The code is given below.
<dtml-var manage_page_header>
<dtml-var manage_tabs>
<form name="WYSIWYG" method="post" action="manage_edit">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<dtml-var id>">
<input type="hidden" name="title" value="<dtml-var title html_quote>">
<dtml-if "_.string.find(REQUEST['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'MSIE')>0">
<iframe name="visedit" style="width: 95%;border:solid gray 1px;"
height="400" src="ieeditor/ieeditor.html?BASEURL=<dtml-var URL2 url_quote>"></iframe>
<textarea name="data:text" rows="1" cols="10"
style="visibility:hidden;"><dtml-var "_.getitem(_['id'],1)" html_quote></textarea>
<textarea name="data:text" rows="15"
cols="60"><dtml-var "_.getitem(_['id'],1)" html_quote></textarea>
<input class="form-element" type="submit" name="SUBMIT" value="Save Changes">
<dtml-var manage_page_footer>
The key points here are:
Dec 11, 2001
Jon Edwards wrote down these steps that he used to get this editor working under CMF. Thanks Jon...
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('ua',HTTP_USER_AGENT)"> <dtml-if "_.string.find(ua,'MSIE') >=0"> <form action="document_edit" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="SafetyBelt" value="&dtml-SafetyBelt;"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<dtml-var id>"> <input type="hidden" name="title" value="<dtml-var title html_quote>"> <input type="radio" name="text_format" value="html" STYLE="display:none" checked id="cb_html" /> <dtml-comment><label for="cb_html">html</label></dtml-comment> <input type="radio" name="text_format" value="structured-text" STYLE="display:none" id="cb_structuredtext" /> <dtml-comment><label for="cb_structuredtext">structured-text</label></dtml-comment> <iframe name="visedit" style="width: 95%;border:solid gray 1px;" height="400" src="ieeditor/ieeditor.html?BASEURL=<dtml-var URL2 url_quote>"></iframe> <textarea name="data:text" rows="1" cols="10" style="visibility:hidden;"><dtml-var text html_quote></textarea> <input type="submit" value=" Change "> </form> <dtml-else> <dtml-comment> **The old form goes here for non-MS users** </dtml-comment> </dtml-if>
<base href="&dtml-absolute_url;/" />
Larry Prickokis adds - "the default CMF skins have a Search form. The ieeditor code uses an element named data:text in the first form, there by giving an error. So, you need to change the code in the Javascript so that it uses form[1] instead of form[0]." Mea culpa, I really should make this into an HTA with passable parameters.
Since you are seeing this, it means that your browser does not support cascading style sheets. Please download and use one of the many browsers that support web standards.