#!/usr/bin/python """ A script to make all the file names in the folder changed according to certain rules: all small letters has only a-z, 0-9 and _ only one period vsbabu AT hotmail DOT com I use it fairly often to rename files sent to me by Microsoft Windows users, before uploading them to any unix machine. Unhandled error conditions include: - no graceful processing if a target filename already exists. """ import re import string import os def cleanup_foldername(strname): """cleans up the given folder name folder name should start and end with an alphabet and can have only a-z, 0-9 and _ in between """ valid_dir = re.compile(r"^\w+$") invalid_stuff = re.compile(r"\W+") strname = string.lower(strname) strname = re.sub("^[^\w]+","",strname) #trim the beginning strname = re.sub("[^\w]+$","",strname) #trim the end strname = invalid_stuff.sub("_",string.strip(strname)) #replace invalid stuff by _ strname = re.sub("_+","_",strname) #squeeze continuous _ to one _ if valid_dir.match(strname): return strname else: return '' def cleanup_filename(strname): """cleans up for a file name file name rules are similar to folder names, but it can and must have one extension""" strname = string.lower(strname) (strfile, strext) = os.path.splitext(strname) strext = string.strip(strext) strfile = string.replace(strfile,'.','_') if strext == '' or strext == '.' or strext[0]!='.': return '' strfile = cleanup_foldername(strfile) if strfile == '': return '' strext = cleanup_foldername(strext[1:]) if strext == '': return '' return strfile + '.' + strext def ren_file(dir,f): """rename the file according to the rules""" c=cleanup_filename(f) if (c != "" and c != f): print "%s -> %s\n" % (f,c) os.rename(dir+os.sep+f, dir+os.sep+c) return def process_dir(dir): """process all files in the folder""" for f in os.listdir(dir): file = dir + os.sep + f if os.path.isdir(file): process_dir(file) else: ren_file(dir,f) return def main(): """main routine""" process_dir('.') return if __name__=='__main__': main()
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