#!/usr/bin/python """ Just a small script that renames all the JPEG files in a folder as 0000.jpg, 0001.jpg etc. Initial order is retained. vsbabu AT hotmail DOT com This is intended as a recipe script, though I use it way too often to arrange my digital files. Note that this has possible error conditions that are not handled at all: - what if the folder has files already numbered? - while renaming, it fails if the target file exists """ import glob import string import os #get all the jpg file names in the current folder files = glob.glob("*.jpg") #sort the list files.sort() count = 0 # and rename each file for f in files: count = count + 1 n = string.zfill(count,4) + ".jpg" print f, n, try: os.rename(f, n) print except: print "error: didn't rename"
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