Satheesh Babu
Shows how to grab and set the target property for a link using custom dialog.
Note - if you don't understand what I'm talking about, please see the previous article.
Several people had asked me how to modify the dialog for inserting links so that they can set a "target" property too. Normally, you would expect that 'selection.createRange().target' will give you this. Though the documentation on MSDN says this is correct, it does not work.
Only way I could find was to make a regular expression parse on the range to get the target and href out manually.
An example is shown below.
var aLINK = oRange.htmlText.match(/<a.*href=['"]*([^"' ]+)['"]*/i); var aTARGET = oRange.htmlText.match(/<a.*target=['"]*([^"' ]+)['"]*/i); args["LinkUrl"] = aLINK[1]; args["LinkTarget"] = (aTARGET != null?aTARGET[1]:null);
Code listing for full function.
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