I got a big SQL script which was in one line (can you believe that? Some nut did something wrong with FTP settings). Anyway, I put together a small program which will indent SQL, PL/SQL code - a la cb.
Note that it will understand *ONLY* lowercase keywords which decide on the indenting (like "begin", "end" , "then" ...).
See if it is useful. Someone can refine it - I had only 30 minutes to do this. Though it is not elegant, it worked for my script! So,the only keywords are what I wanted(and most comonly used SQL keywords ). If it gets changed or extended, be kind enough to send me the modified version...
The file is attached. A Makefile is added towards the end. If you've GNU-flex, you can make this case-insensitive.
Caution : No guarantees! Make a backup copy for your script first. I'm no LEX cat.
/* * sqlb - quick and dirty SQL beautifier * comments and strings are untouched * understands only lowercase keywords * compile as - "lex sqlb.l, cc -o sqlb lex.yy.c -ll, rm lex.yy.c" * Use as - cat sqlfile|sqlb|awk NF * awk NF will remove blank lines * Vattekkat Satheesh Babu, on Dec 30, 1998 */ DIGIT [0-9] ID [:A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9_]* SPACE [ \t\n] %{ int currindent=0; %} %% "/*".*\n.*"*/" { ECHO; } /* multi line comments */ "/*".*"*/" { ECHO; } /* one line comments */ "'".*"'"|"--".*"\n"|"rem"{SPACE}+.*"\n" { ECHO;} /* one line comments */ exists|declare|begin|then|select|delete|update { /* ex - print token, increase indent, nextline */ printf( "%s\n", yytext); currindent++; printm(); } end|end{SPACE}+if { /* ex - decrease indent, print token at the next line */ currindent--; printf("\n"); printm(); printf( "%s ", yytext ); } when|elsif { /* ex - decrease indent, print token at the next line */ currindent--; printf("\n"); printm(); printf( "%s ", yytext ); } exception|else|set|from|where|and|or { /* ex - decrease indent, print token at the next line,inc indent */ currindent--; printf("\n"); printm(); printf( "%s\n", yytext ); currindent++; printm(); } ";" { printf(";\n");printm(); } "," { printf(", "); } "<"|">"|"="|"+"|"-"|"*"|"/"|")"|"(" { printf( "%s ", yytext ); } ":="|">="|"<="|"!="|"<>" { printf( "%s ", yytext ); } "%"|"." {ECHO;} {ID}|{ID}[%@.]{ID}|{DIGIT}+|{DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}+ { /*ints, floats, strings, identifiers */ /* package members, dblinks.. */ printf( "%s ", yytext ); } {SPACE}+ {;}/* eat up whitespace */ . printf( "Unrecognized character: %s\n", yytext ); %% int printm() { int i=0; while(i<currindent) { printf("\t"); i++; } } /*------------ Here's a small Makefile for HP-UX -------------------- sqlb:lex.yy.c cc -Ae -o sqlb lex.yy.c -ll strip sqlb lex.yy.c: sqlb.l lex sqlb.l clean: rm -f lex.yy.? core sqlb.o -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
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