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- This started it all
- Linux Kernel
- News about kernel development
- Linux.Org
- A good starting
- Debian
- A volunteer effort for a distro
- Red Hat
- #1 distro in US
- S.u.S.E
- #1 distro in Europe
- Slackware
- I started with this. Still great
- DOSLinux
- A very good distro you can download and install(read sneak into) in office! Installation is very quick and then you can download X and GCC. Then go and download the RPMs of KDE1.1. Itll work with little tweaks to libstdc++. I'll write a detailed HOWTO later'
- Mandrake
- Made from RedHat.
I am a big fan of this now. Much better than RedHat and version 6.0 has an
option to install on a loop device. So no need for DosLinux any more :-( Just
get the Mandrake CD and install it on top of Windoze - no partitioning!
- Xfree86
- X Window System
- A GPL desktop project
- Another desktop based on non-GPL Qt library
- WindowMaker
- A great window manager
- Gtk
- The Gimp Toolkit
- Themes.Org
- Official themes site
- XEmacs
- The GNU editor. Too powerful, I find it an overkill
- Editor with most power:easy ratio
- FreshMeat
- New linux
- Slashdot
- Tech news
- Linux Gazette
- Linux Weekly
- Postgres
- A free ORDBMS
- Tcl/Tk
- Quick scripting
- Perl
- Quicker scripting
- Python
- OO scripting
- Geek girl
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