Here are some databases which I've used on course of web development. My opinions are strictly based on personal experience.
For each of these, I'll be adding code samples soon.
Oracle is a feature rich, well tested ORDBMS available from Oracle Corporation . It runs on a variety of platforms including Linux and Windows. It is expensive, quite complex and ideal for tasks which require extremely good performance, data integrity, scalability and outside help!
PostgreSQL is a free and fast ORDBMS available from PostgreSQL . It is very powerful and well supported by the community. Most Linux distributions contain PostgreSQL.
MySQL is a free and fast RDBMS available from MySQL . It runs on a variety of platforms including Linux and Windows. It is simple, extremely fast and is ideal for serving web pages.
I've used FileMaker Pro on WindowsNT, briefly. It is reasonably fast and powerful enough - fills the gap between desktop databases like MS Access and enterprise databases like Oracle 8 - quite nicely. These are only my first impressions.
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