Satheesh Babu
is a UNIX/Linux utility that was written initially by the creator of Samba. It is a great tool to synchronise folder trees.
Go to rsync website and get the software. It has tons of options and features. Personally, the best feature I like is the ability to use other programs like SSH or RSH to copy content.
I develop my web site in a folder called zsoft, on my home PC. Here's the rsync command I use to sync it up to my site at
rsync --verbose --progress --stats --compress \ --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh --recursive --times --perms \ --links --delete --exclude "counter.file" \ --exclude "URLFILE.file" zsoft/* \
I don't want to upload my counter file or a file that lists all the url's in my site!
Update on 2001.04.21: You can use
, if the remote
installation of rsync is not in SSH's path.
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