Generate docs - the unix way

As programmers, lot of us find it easier to just type content using text based formats like markdown. However, we need to often share these as pdf, Word etc to our colleagues.

Quite often, we may need to create several documents that have same content across the documents. A simple example is a copyright footer or even an intro paragraph about your work.

A short walkthrough using venerable tools like make, m4 and pandoc to get this done follows.


  • m4 is a macro processor. It reads text, parses it for macros and expands macros and outputs the mix. A cheap way to think about this is considering this as expanding abbreviations. However, m4 is lot more than that and gives you lot of flexibilities. What we need really for current problem is only one built-in macro called include which helps us include contents from other files into ours.

    blah blah my content

    Will replace the contents of header.txt and footer.txt to the output.

  • make is a classic graph based automator.

  • pandoc is a swiss-army knife for converting documents from one format to another.

All of these packages can be installed using regular package managers or homebrew.

Project Structure

├── Makefile
└── src

Let us look at Just straight forward markdown.

## About us

We are the kindest souls in the universe!

Now, if we look at

changequote(`{{', `}}')


# Chapter 01 - The Great Story

LA la la..


All it is doing is including the files. Note that I’ve also changed the quoting structure from back-tick and straight-tick to double flowery braces. This helps in markdown where back-tick means something when it comes to syntax highlighting editors.


SRCDIR = src
OUTDIR = share
SRCF  = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/intro_*.md)
DEPF  = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/inc_*.md)
DOCX = $(subst $(SRCDIR),$(OUTDIR),$(

.PHONY: all clean

all: directories $(DOCX)

	mkdir -p $(OUTDIR)

$(OUTDIR)/%.docx: $(SRCDIR)/ $(DEPF)
	$(shell m4 -I $(SRCDIR) $< | pandoc -s --quiet -f markdown -o $@ -)
	@echo "$< ==> $@"

	rm -fR $(OUTDIR)

# vim: set noexpandtab:
  • First two lines set the source and output directories
  • SRCF is a list of markdown files we want to convert to MS Word formats. (Wildcard)[] function helps in getting the list.
  • DEPF is similar and I follow a convention that all files starting with inc_ are for includes.
  • DOCX is generating a list of output file names in OUTDIR from SRCF. The inner one makes filename extension from .md to .docx and the subst function replaces source directory name with output directory name.
  • $(DOCX) in all target expands to this list of output docs.
  • The main action is in the generic target that says to generate a .docx, you need a similarly named .md (in appropriate directories of course) and the include files.
  • $< variable has the first dependency (the src/ file) and $@ has the output file.
  • The $(shell...) line runs m4 with include file path as source directory and output is piped to pandoc (- says read from stdin) as forced markdown format and output is written to the desired output file name ($@).

Go ahead and run make.

mkdir -p share
src/ ==> share/intro_chapter_one.docx
src/ ==> share/intro_chapter_two.docx

Let us also see how make is efficient. If we change only one file, it should build only the docx corresponding to that.

touch src/ 
#  mkdir -p share
#  src/ ==> share/intro_chapter_one.docx

Well, if we modify an include file, then all files need to be regenerated.

touch src/ 
#  mkdir -p share
#  src/ ==> share/intro_chapter_one.docx
#  src/ ==> share/intro_chapter_two.docx

Objective of this short article was to demonstrate how command line tools are much easier when we’ve to generate stuff. Things like yq coupled with these kind of tools even give you ability to have a database of yml files which can generate say question papers, resume, job descriptions etc!

And if you keep your layout and common boiler plate text in m4 files, it is a simple job when you want to make changes and re-generate content again.