0to1: doom-emacs and org-mode

Are you like me?

  • Know VIM/VI enough
  • Heard about emacs and org-mode
  • Tried it and got turned off by so many commands
  • Read too much documentation
  • Spent hours configuring these :)
  • Thumb started aching with C and M multi-key combinations
  • Tried Spacemacs
  • Went back to VIM

If yes, this is how I crossed over to actually using org-mode productively to maintain my notes, projects and todo. doom-emacs is the framework I used. It is superfast, has sane keys and UX and configuration does not need you to read and practice emacs.

Following is a 0to1 guide that ideally should’ve been more interesting with screenshots, but keeping it as copy-pastable text!

Note - I am not going into what all can be done using Org Mode!


  1. Get Emacs 26+. For Ubuntu, follow this write up to use kelleyk/emacs repository. Note that there is a good chance that emacs will not start under GTK; so make a shortcut to a script that has the following content.
    /usr/bin/env  XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 /usr/bin/emacs26 "$@"
  2. Install git command line.
  3. Follow instructions to install doom-emacs. This will take some time to download and install the packages.
    Say "Y" when it asks to create an ENV file
    Say "Y" when it asks to install additional fonts 
      this makes your config quite nice


  1. Start emacs
  2. On the first page, you will see some options. Use arrow keys (or j/k like VI) to navigate and Choose Open private configuration. You can see that it says SPC f p next to it. That is the short cut to go to that option later.
  3. Now you can see that configuration is all in ~/.doom.d/. You really need to edit only config.el. Use mouse or arrow keys to select. Or just start typing con followed by TAB to autocomplete and ENTER. This is a common pattern in doom-emacs world. This kind of command windows all support autocompletion.
    Find file: ~/.doom.d/
  4. Now that config.el is open, edit it. It is good to update your name and email address at the top.
  5. Scroll down (arrow keys or j) and edit the value for doom-font. I’ve tried this in 3 different laptops and default size is always too small for me. Increase it. This is how mine looks - I really liked Iosevka fonts and had installed it.
    (setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Iosevka Term SS04 Extended" :size 18 )
       doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "sans" :size 15))
  6. org-directory is set to ~/org/. I changed it to ~/Dropbox/org/ to not worry about backups. This is where all your default org files will go to. We will get to what is default files later.
  7. Save it. :w will work just like in VI.
  8. Let us see if you want to change the default theme from doom-one. Type M-x (ie., meta-x which is Alt-x in Win/Linux and Opt-x in Mac - Cmd-x works as well in doom-emacs most of the time ). Whole bunch of commands show up. Type load-theme and you can see that auto-complete is in action. This command has a menu which lists all the themes. doom-one-light is a neat light theme. It will ask you to run that lisp code and mark it as safe for later too - you can answer y.
  9. If you liked this theme and want to make it permanent, edit doom-theme in config.el to set this value.
  10. If you are new to emacs, perhaps it is good to enable menus. Add (menu-bar-mode 1) to config.el.
  11. Exit! Yeah - :x.

Basic org-mode bindings

  1. Open emacs
  2. Let us create a /tmp/scratch.org to play with it. Yes, :e /tmp/scratch.org will work like in VI.
  3. I am not going into org-mode basics here, but suffice it to say that lines prefixed with one asterisk is top level headline; with two is second level and so on.
  4. Add a line * headline 1
  5. Let us add another top level headline. Just hit Ctrl-Enter and type headline 2. You got it!
    Ctrl-Enter => Create a sibling below
    Ctrl-Shift-Enter => Create a sibling above
    Ctrl is usually referred to as C only
    This is a great key to remember. Works for all semantic levels.
  6. Now let us add some content to headline 1. Navigate to that and do O. Just like VI, O, it adds a new line. Edit away!
  7. Let us navigate back to the headline.
    TAB - collapses (fold) and expands (unfold) the headline. Try it!
    Shift-TAB - will collapse all headlines
  8. You want to focus on one headline and work on that? Something like workflowy.com navigation? Following commands will toggle the visibility like that. Very useful and it is useful to remember the shortcut for this.
    M-x org-narrow-to-subtree
    M-x widen
  9. By the way, did you notice that M-x remembers your command history too!
  10. How do you rearrange headlines with their content? There are commands for that, but what I find easier to do is to fold the headline and then use cut (dd) and paste (p) if I need to move it to some other area; or indent (>) or dedent (<) to promote and demote. VIM keys are more familiar to me!
  11. Note that if you want to use these VIM commands, you’ve to keep the headline collapsed. If it is not, then those commands work only on that headline line and not on the entire content under that - which is usually what you don’t want.
  12. VIM’s split buffer (:sp or :vs) also works just the same.

Org capture

This is similar to GTD Capture.

  1. Hit SPC X (that is Space bar and capital X). You get a menu.

    Select a capture template
    [t] Personal todo
    [n] Personal note
    [j] Journal
  2. Let us add a note. Hit n. A split opens up and you can nicely start typing your headline and content there. Once done C-c will close it. These go to your org-directory under a file notes.org.

  3. Similarly, Journal goes to journal.org and Personal todo goes to todo.org.

  4. I use Journal a lot. One nice thing about using these files is that when you want to open another org file, you can simply do :e notes.org for example and it will open it up without you needing to enter full path.

  5. The SPC X menu also gives an option for project based templates in o. If you are doing multiple projects, those are all in projects.org with each Project as a top level headline.

  6. When you enter a todo/note/journal, you also get an option to refile. This will give you a list of org files plus their headlines to move this captured content to. Makes it very easy to just capture first and file after.

  7. projects.org has a default project called “-”. If you want to add another project so that you can file things under that, create it as a sibling to this one. Sample below.

    * -
    ** Notes
    *** [yyyy-mm-dd day hh:mi] what i typed as note headline
    * My Project 1
  8. Tagging is very easy. Navigate to a section/headline and do SPC m q. Type in one tag. If that org file had other tags before you get a picklist to choose from too!

  9. Linking is a bit painful with the command M-x org-insert-link. I simply type in content like [[link url][link text]]. If you want to edit an existing link, navigate to that and do M-x org-insert-link.

    To link to another org doc and it’s headline, chose url like file:notes.org::*heading text - in this example, this is for notes.org.

    To follow the link, just place your cursor there and Enter. To navigate back, M-x org-mark-ring-goto. I need to figure out how to map this to Alt left-arrow.

  10. Pasting will work with p like in VI. If you’ve copied text from another application and wants to paste here, p works in normal mode.


While org-mode has a very elaborate system using TODO prefix’ed headlines for tracking your todos and even build agenda from it, I find quick checklists a great way to ensure things are thought through.

- [ ] Write an Article
  - [ ] Make an outline
  - [ ] Add content
  - [ ] Add tags
  - [ ] Preview and edit
  - [ ] Publish
  - [ ] Tweet about it with link

That’s it. Checklist items are simply list items with an empty [ ] square brackets. Once you add one, to quickly keep adding siblings, C-Enter will work too!

To mark each one as in progress or done, just go to the item and hit ENTER. Each hit will cycle through -, X, blank.

If you want to add a progress status to the outline, just add [/] to the headline after your text. It will automatically get updated to [n/m] when you check off each item inside it. If you want to recompute manually, there is a command. Do M-x and type stat and find out the right one :)

Naturally, if you prefer %, you can add [%] instead. Here is how it looks after I did some ENTERs. Again, I didn’t type in 3/6 or 0% - org did it automatically; I just had to tell it that I need n/m and % by adding an empty [/] and [%].

- [-] Write an Article [3/6]
   - [X] Make an outline
   - [X] Add content
   - [X] Add tags
   - [-] Preview and edit
   - [ ] Publish
   - [ ] Tweet about it with link
- [-] Viral campaign [0%]
   - [-] Pay million$ during super-bowl



MMeta. Alt usually; Command (⌘) in Apple Mac
M-xRun a command with auto complete (TAB, Arrow, ENTER to pick)
SPC-XOrg capture start
C-EnterOrg, append sibling
C-S-EnterOrg, insert sibling above
TABOrg, fold/unfold at headline
S-TABOrg, fold all
M-x load-themeSwitch appearance
M-x doom/reloadReload environment after changing config.el
M-x org-insert-linkCreate a link.
M-x org-narrow-to-subtreeFocus only on current headline
M-x org-mark-ring-gotoGo back in link navigation
SPC m qAdd tag to headline
:vsVertical split
:spHorizontal split
:e Edit a file
:w Save file
:xSave and Exit
>, >>, <, <<Shift. If folded headline, entire sub-tree too
dddelete line. If folded headline, entire sub-tree too
o, OInsert line below (or above)
yyYank line. If folded headline, entire sub-tree too
pPaste. Paste works on outside clipboard content too.

Default files

Under your org-directory

 ├── org
 │   ├── journal.org
 │   ├── notes.org
 │   └── projects.org
 │   └── todo.org

Closing thoughts

  • To extract data from org-mode files, python orgparse is quite nice.
  • Since this is all text, emacs doesn’t even break a sweat to load up 100K lines org files. ie., Really, you don’t need to make things like project1.org, project2.org etc (unless you want to keep it in different folders). Another advantage in maintaining one large file each is that usual search (/) in VIM works just as well!
  • Creating ascii tables is too good. You get perfect alignment and you can even have formula for computed fields if you must. Of course, there is a command to convert a selected region to tables (paste csv and use it to see what I mean. Which command? Try M-x org-table and auto-complete a guess.
  • M-x doom/reload helps you re-init the environment if you change some config; I usually just exit and restart emacs.
  • If you prefer video tutorialss, I found Doomcasts by Zaiste Programming on youtube.com as the best resource on the topic. E09 to E17 covers org-mode; If you choose to use this, my advice is to start from E01. The content and presentation is brilliant and each episode is only 10 minutes long.
  • org-agenda is also fantastic; but I found it a bit difficult to focus and learn. Keeping notes, todos and journal in split windows is good enough for me. See a sample for maintaining an agenda for your life!