Generate fake data to test performance
Often when we develop, we end up testing on our local machines with very few records in the database. Performance testing, re-architecting your solution for scale etc needs lot of data already present in the db - concurrently adding or updating 1000 records to an empty table is very different from doing it when table already has few million records.
It is actually quite simple to generate fake data and load it into a database. To simulate extreme stress, you don’t need to generate obscene loads - you can reduce your available capacity to small CPU/RAM and get the same effect with moderate loads.
Read below to see snippet code on how to do the first part - getting a database up (docker + mariadb
), generating data (python
), loading it (usql
) and then changing database capacity (docker
) to see what you need to tune.
python 3.8
Based on your OS, install Python 3.8. I use PyEnv because it makes it very easy to switch to a different version later.
Get and install docker. It is pretty straight forward. You may need a reboot of your machine post installation.
Post all that, open command line and see if you can run docker
and docker-compose
. Both should run and print
their own error messages.
MariaDB is an open source fork of MySQL. Let us see which all versions are available in docker repositories.
This should give a list of various images available. Pick one. Below, I am using version 10.1 of the server.
Oracle has SQL*Plus, PostgreSQL has psql, MySQL has mysql etc as command line clients for their databases. While they are all good for specific databases, if you have the need to work with multiple databases, it is better to pick one that works on all of them. I’ve been using usql, a universal CLI. Been very happy with that.
Go to the link above and install. It is very easy if you use HomeBrew.
Generate Data
I usually generate data in CSV and keep it zipped up for reuse.
In Python world, Faker and Mimesis are two good libraries. If your objective is to create a Pandas dataframe, then see Farsante which works very well with Mimesis; though it seems to take more resources due to its usage of PySpark. Loading to a dataframe makes it easier for you to manipulate generated data (sorting, running sum etc) before persisting into a file.
For now, we will use Faker and generate files that aren’t sorted.
Let us create two files.
with fields(full_name, email, telephone, city, state, join_date)
with fields(customer_id, order_date, product)
We can load these into two database tables viz., customer
and customer_order
, each with an auto-incremented integer
id as primary key. One benefit with this is that we don’t need to keep looking at customer file to identify a valid customer id to fill in order, but can simply take an integer between 1 and max number of records in the customer file.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#DotMap enables accessing a dictionary with dot notation.
= #join_date is between last 2 years
= #order_date is between last year and yesterday
# Initialize our faker
= #let us pick a locale! en_US, en_IN etc are all there
# generate customer records
# TODO: output ideally should be sorted by date
In the script above, we are generating 1 million customer records and 10 million order records. Depending upon your hardware, it might take some time - say 15-30 minutes.
Note : create a sub-directory called data
before running this script. That is where output files are written to.
Set up MariaDB
Let us setup a database using docker-compose
Create a file stack.mariadb.yml
with content like below.
Note that if you move this to a different folder and run, another new database container will be created.
So, please decide on a folder structure first. My structure is below and I cd
into dbsetup folder before executing
└── dbsetup
├── data
│ ├── customer_data.csv
│ └── order_data.csv
├── order_data_loader.sql
└── stack.mariadb.yml
version: '3.1'
image: mariadb/server:10.1 #we already pulled this image
restart: always
MYSQL_DATABASE: mariadbtest
MYSQL_USER: scott #additional user if you need
- 3306:3306 #internal 3306 is exposed to you as 3306
- ./data:/tmp/data #your subdir `data` will be visible inside container as `/tmp/data`.
resources: #you can shutdown machine, change these values and restart to experiment
cpus: 1
memory: 200M
cpus: 1
memory: 100M
It is now fairly easy to start the database machine. Just up it!
It will take a while the first time. Then onwards it should be ready to serve within seconds.
Test if you can connect to it by running:
You should get the database prompt.
Load Data
-- basic tables; no indexes other than those created by primary keys and constraints.
exists customer_order;
if exists customer;
if (
id int not null auto_increment primary key,
full_name varchar(100) not null,
email varchar(100),
telephone varchar(20),
city varchar(32) not null,
state varchar(32) not null,
join_date datetime not null,
constraint uc_email unique(email)
) engine = innodb;
id int not null auto_increment primary key,
customer_id int not null,
order_date datetime not null,
product varchar(16) not null,
constraint fk_customer foreign key (customer_id) references customer(id) on update cascade on delete cascade
) engine = innodb;
-- load the files generated. we need to mask
-- date field to right format for correct load.
load data infile '/tmp/data/customer_data.csv' ignore
into table customer
fields terminated by ','
optionally enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\n'
ignore 1 rows
(full_name, email, telephone, city, state, @join_date)
set join_date = str_to_date(@join_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i');
load data infile '/tmp/data/order_data.csv' ignore
into table customer_order
fields terminated by ','
optionally enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\n'
ignore 1 rows
(customer_id, @order_date, product)
set order_date = str_to_date(@order_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i');
-- -- let us try some queries
-- who are the customers who ordered most items in what duration?
select customer_id, count(1), min(order_date), max(order_date) from customer_order group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 10;
You can load it from within usql
prompt or like below.
On a docker container to which I allocated 2GB memory, it took about 5 minutes to load these files.
Now you can shutdown the container (CTRL-C), change the stack.mariadb.yml
file to have lesser/more memory and CPU
and bring it up again. Test it for speed for different queries.