This little script shows how you can write self documenting code
in Python.

S Babu:
joys of python: is a series of small and often silly scripts using
python that does something while explaining some nice features of
python. Absolutely newbie material.


All small values of joy are marked by comments starting with #joy:

Python Styleguide http://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide.html
PyDoc http://web.lfw.org/python/pydoc.html 
PyFontify http://starship.python.net/~just/code/PyFontify.py

__author__ = "S Babu <vsbabu_at_vsbabu_dot_org>"
__date__ = "09 September 2002"
__credits__ = """Guido van Rossum for an excellent programming language
Ka-Ping Yee for pydoc
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.0$"
# $Source: /home/vsbabu/repository/python/joy/code_doc.py,v $

### Notes
#  If you use CVS/RCS, this is version and source are automatically
#  filled with proper values
#  Leave exactly one line before and one line after all that __XX__
#  stuff and the $Source.
#  The top level triple quotes string is the whole module/script's
#  documentation

#joy: very easy to make multiline strings without doing any character
#     escaping. Just enclose it in triple quoted strings.

#let us define a function that will be used globally
def global_function(s):
    """This is the global function. It can be called anywhere
    from the script
    It prints its argument"""
    print s

def print_code_documentation(f=None):
    """This just prints a given object's name and documentation
    If the object is none, it prints that of the current namespace
    if f is not None:
        print f.__name__, ":\n", f.__doc__
        print __name__, ":\n", __doc__

class Vehicle:
    """A class that defines a vehicle
    Vehicle is anything that moves!
    def __init__(self, name, wheels, capacity):
        """Constructor - creates a vehicle object
        name = what do you want to call the vehicle
        wheels = how many wheels does it have
        capacity = how many people can it carry
        self.name = name
        self.wheels = wheels
        self.capacity = capacity
    def show(self):
        """Just returns a string that shows the details"""
        return """%s - %d people on %d wheels""" % (self.name,\

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #joy: if you run this script, the main module has the
    #name of __main__
    #makes it easy to add in your test conditions here.

    #print main doc
    #print documentation for global_function
    #print documentation for itself!
    #let us print doc for a class
    #print it for specific method in the class
    #Ok, let us see if we can do something other than
    #printing code documentation
    mycar = Vehicle("Honda Accord 1994", 4, 5)
    print mycar.show()
    mycar.name = "Honda Accord 1994 DX"
    print mycar.show()
    #ok, now go and read http://www.python.org/doc/2.2/tut/node11.html